Some say rules are meant to be broken. Not this one! As soon as you don’t follow this, it is likely to bite you in the digital ass(ets). I guess you could say it is part of digital Murphy’s Law. It does not matter if you’re a voice over artist, digital film producer, video editor, photographer, sound designer, or just someone who has digital files of any sort! In order to not lose your data (or files), you need to follow the 3-2-1 Backup Rule. It’s part of any good digital asset management workflow.
Here’s How It Works
It’s simple really. Not much to it. You just need to make it part of your workflow. It starts with three.
3 copies of any file – the original, and 2 other copies. Simple enough.
2 different types of storage media. For instance, one on a hard drive, and one on a data DVD.
1 copy off site. So simple to do these days with all the various “cloud” options. This off site copy saves you if there is any thing that happens in the environment where your other backups reside.
A Couple of Great Resources
The 3-2-1 Backup Rule is a concept that is touted by many. It’s been around for years. I first heard of it from The Tech Guy, Leo Laporte. He has a knack for explaining anything technical in a simple, yet thorough fashion. This is his explanation of how the 3-2-1 Backup Rule works. He is my tech mentor. So much to learn from Leo! I’ve always enjoyed his style and approach. Guess there could be something to me feeling connected to him because of his last name. Laporte. Mine is Laponis – both start with the letters L-A-P-O – and we have the same total number of letters in our last names. I almost feel related – lol. Anyway, check out his regular podcasts and radio show, The Tech Guy. You will learn a lot!
In his excerpt about the 3-2-1 rule he mentions a great web site of the American Society of Media Photographers, Lots of great material and resources there. Here is helpful information about backups and the 3-2-1 Backup Rule. Be sure to check out all the other great things this site has to offer. So many great topics and resources!
Integrate it into Your Workflow
Such a simple concept that can save you so much in the way of NOT losing your data and files. Of course, as a media professional it is crucial to utilize a system like this. It’s the only way that your deliverables are always, well, deliverable. Just part of what makes you a pro. But even if your data and files are all just for fun, it’s no fun to lose all your work. I hope this simple technique serves you well. Please feel free to drop me an email at Thank you!